The new owner will then be sent a form to complete, confirming that they have read and understand the Dark Horse Limited terms and conditions
On completion, the new owner will be sent a copy of the updated ticket to the new email address provided.
The cut off date for transfers is midnight, 7 days prior to the event start date
The event opens to the public on the22nd July 2022at12:00.
The event will end on the 24th July 2022 at 22:00.
Camping is included as part of the ticket price for the nights of the 22ndand 23rd and 24th of July 2022 only. An extra charge will be incurred if participants remain on the campsite and are still found to be on the site after the 25th July2022 or later.
Live in Vehicles/Trailer Tents/Caravans etc. can only camp in the designated campsite and having entered the site cannot leave until the 24th July 2022 when stewards will be available to direct the flow of traffic.
All Live in Vehicles/Trailer Tents & Caravans etc. will only be allowed onto the campsite between 12:00 and 20:00 on Friday the 22nd July 2022 & between 10:00 and 12:00 on Saturday the 23rd July 2022. After these times all vehicles will be required to be parked in the car parking or camping vehicle areas.
Designated camping areas will be marked out. Make sure you pay attention, you will be asked to move if you are outside of these areas.
The use of the campsite is available to Dark Horse ticket holders from 12 noon Friday 22nd July 2022 until10am Monday 25th July 2022.
Anyone found have left their litter, after the event, which requires the Dark Horse Event Team to clean up will be refused entry for any future events.
Live in vehicles that require electricity will be directed to the appropriate area by the site staff. Availability is on a first come first serve basis.
Do not leave money or valuables in your tents or cars as thieves sometimes operate in the camping areas.
All ticket holders and crew agree to comply with any searches which designated festival security deem necessary to their person, vehicle, live in vehicle, luggage or equipment.
Lasers and strobe lighting may be used at the festival.
Be aware music played may well be in excess of 100 decibels and prolonged exposure can damage hearing especially to young children.
People with disabilities interested in attending the festival should apply directly to
No swimming allowed, people swimming in the Sulby river will be ejected from site.
Under 18s including Teenage Ticket holders must be accompanied by an adult (aged over 21) at all times.
Children aged 12 years and under can attend the event for free when accompanied by an adult. A maximum of 2 children under 12 per adult.
Photo ID regarding the age of adults and children attending will be requested at the box office.
Dogs are allowed on the site but must be on a lead and restrained at all times.
Emergency vehicle access on the campsite will be clearly marked out. Tents will be removed if erected on emergency vehicle access clearways.
Line-up is subject to change and without notice.
All fires are required to be held off the ground in purpose made fire pits.
Trespassing on adjoining private property will result in expulsion from the event.
No unauthorised recordings of the event. All images, videos and sound recordings remain the property of Dark Horse Music Ltd.
Cameras for personal use are allowed.
Ticket holders consent to the filming, sound recording and photography of themselves as part of the audience.
Tickets will not be refunded in any circumstances, other than the total cancellation of the event, when only the face value of the ticket will be refunded.
Rights of admission reserved.
Ticket holders enter at their own risk.
Dangerous behaviour, fly pitching or sale of any other goods or other unauthorised trading will result in immediate expulsion from the site.
Dark Horse Music Limited. has no liability for the loss or damage of vehicles, goods or other materials belonging to guests and crew attending the Dark Horse Music & Arts Festival.
You are permitted to bring alcohol for your own personal consumption into the camp-site but not into any licensed areas – this is a condition of our license.
We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone we suspect of bringing in alcohol not for personal consumption.
It is illegal to sell alcohol to or purchase alcohol for anyone younger than 18 years of age. For licensing reasons people aged 17 and under must stay at least 2m away from any bar front on site. If you appear to be under 21 you will be asked for ID.